2. Who apologises first after an argument? - It probably depends on the argument. If there were feelings hurt, Mickey's the first. But if it was over silly nonsense, Minnie might go first.
9. Who starts a food fight when the other is cooking? I can imagine Bunnie messing with Ant and his cooking if he's in a grumpy mood, trying to cheer him up.
19. Who usually initiates things? The minute Bunbun hit puberty SHE HIT ON ANTOINE LIKE A GODDAMN BUS and since then she's usually the one to get things started
6. Who worries most when the other is sick/hurt? Gala is the biggest worrywart. it boths annoys and amuses perci, since he freaks out even over a simple cold.
13. Do they fuck or make love? Make love. except if Perci's had a bad day. then it absolutely turns into fucking. (not that gala has the notion to complain.)
Perci/Gala, 6, 13
Well Bunnie is a Bunnie..