Ceejay Writer
Happy International Octopus Day, everyone! I have a gift for you. It's a short story filled with adventure, danger, risk-taking and.. .of course... an octopus. Hope you enjoy!
Ceejay Writer
The Steamkettle Kids and the Lucky Tentacles – The Brassbri...
Ceejay Writer
(feel free to replurk or share anywhere.)
T. A. Lowery
::Plurk Frontpage Promotion::
Ceejay Writer
(And I just fixed the date in the doc - I had the 6th, but it needed to be today, the 8th. )
Cute tale! Maybe Lucky will show up again some day?
Ceejay Writer
You never know! Maybe next October 8th? With his family?
Ceejay Writer
Tall Tales and Outright Lies at 6:30 pm SLT people! That's about 15 minutes. Yell at Ceejay Writer inworld if you need a TP