[Conventions] I'm ready to go to one again. It's been a good long while. Recommend ones to go to?
For next year obviously but I can start looking at stuff.
Anime, gaming (video or tabletop, fantasy or sci-fi....
laughs, I'd recommend one but I've only... been to a grand total of one
I did make a plurk a while ago asking for recs myself, so I can maybe dig it out? :|a if west coast is within your travel range
I'm good with anything so long as I've got the time to save money for it and make plans. c:
I've never been to anything over there and they've got some large ones so... that sounds fun actually!
Bixmas Cheer
Phoenix Comicon in june is pretty fun! /biased.
Hooded Figure
Boston Comicon and Anime North are supposed to be really good.
Hooded Figure
Recently I've only really gone to Otakon (had a great time but that was many years ago) and Dragoncon (huge convention is huge but am going again next September).
I had someone I knew go to Dragoncon this year. It seems pretty cool. I could probably be persuaded to go to that one, especially if I were going with someone (or meeting someone there rather).
...also I still want to go see that ship in the harbor near Boston! The pirate ship. :3
Hooded Figure
Bixmas Cheer
old Ironsides?
Hooded Figure
Meetups at Dragoncon can be iffy because seriously huge convention, but yeah, anytime. ^^
Bixmas Cheer
it's still a comissioned naval ship!
wheezes I don't actually know where I'll be next year myself, I might very well be on the east coast instead
but I'd definitely love to go to a con together if we can, that would be super cool! o/
BUT MORE SERIOUSLY I dug out that old plurk and some recs from other people:
Sakuracon, Fanime
(for west coast, that is)
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I just got back from AWA which is a nice con. Katsucon is my favorite just because i love the location but i wouldnt say its a great con in terms of how its run haha
I'm not sure which one, I just know there was a ship somewhere that looked interesting to tour.
Bixmas Cheer
I think you're thinking of the USS Constitution, yeah. it's cool!
Bixmas Cheer
there's also a recreation of the Mayflower down in Plymouth
Hahaha. Well, you chose a time and place ahead of time to meet-up.... especially if you wanna share expenses. I've done it before. (The year before I went up and stayed with you, in fact.)
/tries to remember all of these... thank goodness for it all being written down XD