state of the rp

between work busy-ness, general burnout, and lack of desktop computer, I have become an atrocious tagger. I think... I need to narrow my focus for now.

I am going to idle Tim, who has amazing CR and cast but who I have been feeling really directionless with for arc. magpietellme myshot you two are the best ever,

but i have been playing Tim 8 years straight and i think he needs at least a few months on the shelf

I am also going to idle Joscelin, despite the newly expanded cast for him, because although he has been a labor of love, the keyword is labor - Joscelin tags are always hard work.

sadsa stark
I will try to come back to him when I have more leisure time to focus on RP

I am keeping Souji, who is working best for now. Gonna try to catch up on his backtags, lay low rhis Jaunt, and rally when we get back into Liminal Space and move into Phase 3.

sadsa stark
chuuuu i understand

man, phillip's losing all his parents.
but yeah you've been real busy, do what you need to.

sadsa stark
honestly i know you've been struggling w him and though i love him I want what's best for you

sadsa stark
so don't feel guilt on my behalf if he needs to not come back at all

I have been so absent with everyone that I feel less guilt being officially absent than leaving people hanging, anyway.

o7 Sounds good honey.

Deep Submerge!
I will miss Joscelin, even if Melisande won't

sailor bii
I'll miss Joscelin too <3