The Fool
Sit down at computer to do schoolwork: Why does the universe hate me?
The Fool
I guess I will drag my ass to school and try to get a comp at the library
The Fool
I only have two hours and this thing has been going 10 minutes already to get that far
sparky ⚡
sparky ⚡
I'm sorry. :c
The Fool
mrr I should learn to do things early but always being sick has made that hard
ah yes, the blue screen of updates. only moderately better than the blue screen of death.
The Fool
The Fool
it only seems to happen when I have work to do too
The Fool
updates never prevent me from wasting hours on Sims or Wikipedia or porn or something
The Fool
it's always "oh you have an assignment due you need to type, too bad"
big brother is watching you
... through those windows, presumably
The Fool
The Fool
apparently big brother wants me to flunk
probably. he's a meanie
The Fool
The Fool
unexpected snag
The Fool
the library computers are also stuck updating
The Fool
some of them are updated and in use, but all the open ones are stuck updating
The Fool
blue square's revenge tbh
The Fool
The Fool
I'm going to write something by hand and give it to the prof
The Fool
/waves hands around
The Fool
but ick how frustrating