Zilla Fieri
[Politics/Mute like the wind] This is more a ranting plurk for my own sake than anything else, so ignore this as much as I want to
Zilla Fieri
I don't like talking about politics. Ever.
Zilla Fieri
I'm not gonna tell anyone not to; that's not how I am
Zilla Fieri
But politics can drive me nuts if I get involved in it, so I actively avoid the topic whenever possible
Zilla Fieri
But when things like mom telling me get registered to vote and how important my one vote is?
Zilla Fieri
Sorry, but I'm too cynical to believe in that system
Zilla Fieri
My one singular vote won't change a goddamn thing. The country's still gonna be shit no matter who I vote for or who wins
Zilla Fieri
I know it's a terrible mindset to have and a contagious one at that, but I'm not interested in whether or not other people choose to vote
Zilla Fieri
You do what you will and I'll respect that
Zilla Fieri
But I'm choosing to stay out of such things for my own sake
Zilla Fieri
Which won't be easy considering mom will bring it up regularly, I know she will
Zilla Fieri
And explaining my stance will only cause further discussion that I don't want to have
the grink
In the current state of world affairs where the choice is "how America's been the past 20 years" and "literally Germany circa 1938", it's unsurprising that people want as many voices on their side as possible
the grink
whichever side that is
the grink
Personally, my view is: Don't lord it over people, recognize that abstention is basically a choice that says "I don't care what my rights are/may become", and you do you
Zilla Fieri
basically, yeah
Zilla Fieri
I'll respect anyone else's stance on the matter so long as they respect mine
Zilla Fieri
And my stance is "I'm staying out of it"
Zilla Fieri
And again, because I'm negative, I'm of the idea that things are going to constantly get worse anyway, so my own personal voice won't mean shit
Zilla Fieri
I have enough problems with my own life, let alone the rest of the country