Yup! You want to prioritize the character within the route too because I think there's 3 bad ends per route that you end up on with not enough affection
The weirdest thing is I checked my gmail to see if this app sent anything to it (...just in case...) and someone on my old youtube account commented to a voice acting clip I did 9 years ago
I have the pic that everyone sends in the original log, so there's that. Then I have 2 cat pics from Jumin, 2 food picks from Yoosung, a food pic from Jaehee, 7's car, 7 crossdressing....
I noticed I invited Yoosung's ... bad grammar... shoe friend?? and when I answered their email my character made fun of their grammar in relative to all of the other sophisticated guests 8D;
"I noticed several grammar mistakes in your email. You must have great difficulty with language. What do we do? All the other party guests are very eloquent.
0-4 calls per chat don't think I've ever gotten all 5 at once