Shoulder drama. Third diagnosis is in. So far it's been torn rotator cuff and frozen shoulder. Now it's bursitis. I can't wait for the next round.
they so many times don't know
Bursitis sucks. Ive been dealing with it for a few months
Scarp Godenot
Try accupuncture. It works.
Scarp Godenot : I suspect it wouldn't work for someone like me, because I'm not a fan of needles, for one. And for another, it probably acts sort of like a placebo for folks who believe in alternative treatment
AvatarBizarre : dry needling is used by physios. Its not really alternative medicine. It basically is a nuro feedback loop resulting from the pain of the needle. It works, ive been using it for my bursitis in
Conjunction with more traditional steroid injections
Scarp Godenot
AvatarBizarre : I used to be a skeptic. Then it cured some neuropathy I had in my hands and feet. Seriously. I'm science skeptic guy. Now I know it works. And by the way the needles don't hurt...
Most "alternative medicine" (acupuncture is no exception) has been used for centuries with tons of good results. It only started being 'alternative medicine' when modern medicine told us we didn't need to
believe in it anymore and started making us sick with chemicals and shit that our bodies don't know how to properly process.
I'm very skeptical, and unfortunately, I'm unwilling to spend a bunch of money trying out a "treatment" that I doubt will work.
I'm just... you're so willing to discount it, so it's not skepticism, it's snobbery. You do you, yeah, but some of this has been existing and passed down before written word, so... have fun with recent modern
medicine that creates more problems than it solves.
AvatarBizarre : haha i was too but i work with physios and they explained the science. Im pleasantly suprised by the release in muscle tension
One of the best explanations I'd seen for acupuncture was that the points happen to be about where 'amplifiers' along the nerves are - and the signal gets shorted to ground as it were.
the best explanation I've seen is that the whole "going into a quiet room with candles and soft music or incense" is relaxing and measurably makes you feel good. The needling is incidental to it all.
I get the money and skepticism, but anyone claiming there's no evidence it works may need to look into it more. They had to have hundreds of clinical studies to get approved by NIH.
That said, I don't know that it will work for your actual problem. Which is the rub when money is an issue.
Yeah, I can't see it working for inflammation of the rotator cuff. If I'm going to go into a dark room with soft music, I'd rather get a massage.
Therapeutic message helps with shoulder pain - mine has been messed up since i was in tenth grade.
And you might be able to get either at a good discount from a school?
If it is bursitis most of the pain comes from the tension of the muscles around it. I also am not in a dark room or have music. The physio massages them then shoves the needles in. It hurts then after about
10 mins the muscles relax.
Mal Martynov
Massage is good. I did some research on acupuncture and the micro wounds created by the needles causes the body to go ALERT ALERT WE ARE WOUNDED INCREASE BLOOD FLOW TO THE AREA which increases healing