I think Cupcake's the one who's honestly seriously changed, and it wasn't so much him changing but him being free to dress as freaking femme as he wants to as much as he wants to. 8|b
Life is hard when you're an NB who has to present as "normal" male so the parents of the kids you watch don't try to get you fired for being "a cross-dressing pervert". \D
I haven't touched his journal in ages, but Gamzee wore ALL THE COLORS AT ONCE FUCK THE TROLL COPS instead of sticking to black/gray/blood color because he could freely.
One day, Cloud will likely follow suit. He's not as terrifyingly scrawny as he was at the start of FFVII, but running around avoiding Shinra and shit does not let a dude eat as right as he should.
'Hime was a teenager when she arrived in both Reduxs, so she's probably gotten a little taller since the start. Also, even long hair because she refuses to cut it still.
One day, Cloud will likely follow suit. He's not as terrifyingly scrawny as he was at the start of FFVII, but running around avoiding Shinra and shit does not let a dude eat as right as he should.and may have found a way to keep it so; she is a mad scientist?until menopause