Have any of you done the HPV vaccine recently? If so, do you recall how many doses and approx intervals?
not done it, but typically administered at 0, 2, and 6 mos. (Currently editing doc about HPV, actually.)
I Geri says. Although I actually screwed up the interval so I've ended up with 0, 7& 13 mos. Iirc adolescent dosing may be different
that is the info for adolescent dosing. It is not routinely offered to married, monogamous, HPV-negative adults here.
actually, it's only indicated for use in females 9-26, as it's not been studied in an older population
Done it for Arpan and am in the process for Nandan. Intervals as G said but I had to skip second dose for N and it was late but no problem
webhill , interesting that your article says two doses are as effective as 3, I have already read it somewhere and it said eventually FDA will say two doses are enough but for now they make people go for 3.
I could not understand why that would be the case, but your article indicates the same thing.
Initial approval was based on studies of a 3 dose protocol; subsequent studies suggest 2 is enough but that label hasn't been approved yet.
Sorcha had two doses, with a six month interval.
They've dropped the third dose here.
says it was offered to me 5 yrs ago when XH left. I declined. I guess I should start investigating it for H
nurse_kel I think it's done in senior school thru public health
Not routinely offered to adults either but with the prospect of multiple partners, I got it jic
Doc I spoke to today said the FDA wants to start pushing it at 7-8yo.
is not giving it to either girl
My doctor offered it to me under the prospect of me starting to date again. Totally unnecessary LOL.
H will be 12 in January so senior Public School will be in the future next year
I'm on the fence
It switched to two doses here this year, but still girls only in high school. They just started offering it to gay men <45.
They're still saying vaccinating girls will protect straight men. A friend is doing her masters research on it.
brodyjen why won't you vaccinate? I haven't thought about it and still have some time before I need to and usually defer to Larry about medical stuff but wondering why.
I am following the recommended schedule for my kids.
Peter will have it, but not now. He is not anywhere near sexually active, we have an open relationship and have an agreement that if that changes, we discuss vaccination. He's not going to catch HPV on a bus,
so I am not concerned ATM. Also, his ANA last week was 1280, so he really does not need a non-critical immune challenge right now.
Especially with him dealing with AI disease and taking this health class, I've come to feel that he needs to have a say in when he's vax'd in this particular case.
I have the exact opposite sit'n. Catie would never tell me anything, so I'm leaning toward
well, he is also far more afraid of more immediate negative consequences like HIV or herpes, so I have a fair amount of confidence in the fact that he'd use condoms
(yes, the car discussions in our house have been rather frank this summer)
OMG, can I send her to you? She knows NADA
sure. I have learned that I am pretty open.
the combo of P taking health class in the house and me writing about all kinds of healthy-medicaly stuff all summer meant shit just came up. And I rolled with it.
they have been asking us since the 10 y/o WCV but we have not started yet. Boys are 13 in November.
H and I have a very open relationship now. I fully anticipate that changing as she ages. We talk about EVERYTHING currently
(no escaping it when your mother is a nurse) Sometimes I feel bad for T who gets in the middle of the no filter talks
has a kiddo who will not tell me anything unless I drag it out of her, and one who is relatively open but very young in her thinking.
As to why, I just don't feel comfortable with some of the things I've read. I'm leery about reproductive things, given my history and female family health histories,
so not super keen on introducing yet another potential issue for them.
G actually learned about it in health class and wanted to have it to make sure she is protected. We did first dose in June, second today. She is almost 15.
We are not doing third dose unless something changes, since all I read indicates 2 are just as good so don't see the point.
We are pretty open and discuss lots of stuff but gave two kids whose interest in such discussions is limited. They get dragged into talking about stuff when we feel necessary but overall they're tight lipped
have two kids...
when I say "open" I should clarify that that is about objective things. Also, because P has had some health issues for years, health things are easy to talk about. If it ever comes up, I would expect,
"Mom, I want to get vaccinated for HPV now. I think I am old enough." There would not be some emo discussion about his budding sexuality.
Oh mine are tight lipped about objective and subjective stuff. :-)
L said I while back he'd have it were it available. I'll wait and see as I think it will become available.
My friend keeps giving us all stats about mouth cancer as a reminder that even condoms aren't enough.