quarter trauma
[tolink] time for some bad jokes
quarter trauma
no when you run you need to make sure you're fully erect
quarter trauma
damn mikleo you don't need to air your dirty sexy laundry like that
quarter trauma
quarter trauma
more seriously:
quarter trauma
literally my only interest in Zesty comes from Mikleo. I love how he can go from uptight and prissy looking to... well...
quarter trauma
Also bless this piece of dialogue, I do love how this game doesn't take itself seriously at all sometimes
quarter trauma
SAME also morning although I'm probably gonna roll over and crash again in a minute
quarter trauma
when Sara dodging questions and being awful at lying is fucking canon
quarter trauma
quarter trauma
bless Muzet, really
Meow Knight
Muzét is amazing and everyone should love her
quarter trauma
She's hilarious.
just lexi.
"CHANGE INTO YOUR SWIMSUIT" holy shit mikleo that almost sounds... canon gay
quarter trauma
"TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES" - Mikleo, probably