Ever Still
This conversation just happened:
Ever Still
[06:57] Ever Still (everstill): jesus fuck. I'm actually considering getting into Gor.
[06:57] Ever Still (everstill): Ok...
Ever Still
[06:58] Ever Still (everstill): maybe... I'll be an asexual male - Not interested in women or men
[06:58] Ever Still (everstill): This existed in Gor, yes?
Ever Still
[06:58] Cas: I know you are, because the build is sexy. But you can't sex the build.
Ever Still
[06:58] Cass: Be a book worm? Umm.. Scribe? That's asexual. But that might end up with Ever in a collar, depending on the situation! >.>
Ever Still
[06:59] Ever Still (everstill): Fuck that
[06:59] Cass: Ahahaha.
[06:59] Ever Still (everstill): I am collared by NO ONE
Ever Still
[07:03] Ever Still (everstill): And I WAS a scribe before and was getting PLENTY, I'll have you know! Book worms for the win!
Ever Still
Bookworms! Brains are sexy.
Why can't you be an uncollared scribe? :-o I thought gor have free people concept?
I got all tingly in my book spine reading this.
Zaaf wins the internet today
\0/ YAY!!!! (But I'd rather have pizza)
Ever Still
Tigist : I know, right?
Ever Still
Zee : You can be... in fact, if you're collared you can't hold a caste. I think my friend was referring to the fact that my attempting to parade around as an asexual male might
Ever Still
make me more susceptible to be collared, which now... I'm not exactly sure why.
Ever Still
Ever Still
Zaaf : And I think I'd rather have pizza too.
Ever Still because no one believes people can be asexual so they will see collaring you as a challenge.
Ever Still
Cult~Storm : snorts I personally doubt that I can ever come off as asexual, but man... it would sure make things easier.
It would, but you're right. It would be seen as a challenge.
And if you order a pizza and send me a TP, I'll pay. For the food, that is.
Ever Still
Zaaf : Mmhmmm.