um. I'm not sure I'm happy with these last minute changes to anybody. it would have been nice to announce them BEFORE taking our money for the next round
what happened
you aren't allowed to set up older items in your booth anymore, only all new, all exclusive items. still charging the same amount, didn't mention these changes in july when taking rent for august round.
wuuuut? OMG that blows. you poor thing.
Wth that's annoying. Like not everyone wants to make 800 new items and I know the stores you guys get are kinda big too.
yeah, being able to set up older items along with a few exclusive items is plays a part in making that event profitable, especially in months where you can only make one exclusive
Exactly! I mean I'm like crazy dedicated into only putting new stuff out at events but i know at one event I put an old item that I'm sure people would like and didn't know about it and it was helpful
i got all my other events handled tho! I can make at least 3 or 4 things, it's ok. we'll see how it goes and if it's an event I need to drop in the future
Yea because sometimes too you just have so much at once it's easier just to toss out some oldies with some new goodies
yehh. sometimes an item you made for one event won't do very well, but stick it in another event as an old item and it does well too