a girl in love
[fgo] I will say, I am glad Enkidu won't be out for another year bc that does at least mean
a girl in love
that their in-battle sprite/animations will be real fucking good
euryale ☆
Celizabeth Hood
Knock on wood
chilly pepper
why not
chilly pepper
a girl in love
I was exaggerating when I said a year
euryale ☆
ohhh okay i was like DID SOME NEW INFO GET RELEASED
Celizabeth Hood
Nasu also said tho that it was actually meant to be two parts and they had only planned one part due to not knowing howpopular it would be
Celizabeth Hood
But that if it is successful, there are some
Stuff there.
i feel like i heard sth about Babylon not being the last chapter but that was a while ago so probably outdated
stheno ☆
^ that
stheno ☆
also Babylon was written like
stheno ☆
forever ago
stheno ☆
there was an interview in TMAce about it
celi's got this
and tiv
I thought they revised Babylon being last
Celizabeth Hood
I mean its #1 on app store AGAIN so I mean its not like they ain't popular enough to keep going and there are still plenty of servants that can be released/alt servants etc
And we're like we can continue it for much longer now?
stheno ☆
yeah, I remember that
stheno ☆
I'M TRYING TO FIND A SOURCE FOR IT which is how I ended up being reminded about the TMace interview
They had planned Babylon to be the last but were then like why would we cut a million dollars a day
When we could mild the profit
a girl in love
yeah I also like. if it does end way before a year from now then I mean fair enough really, it's not like I'll be stunned or angry, but also: goddamn do people give dw a lot of money for this game
stheno ☆
yeah I wouldn't be like, angry if that DID happen because this was always intended to tell an actual story so it's not unreasonable to suspend service once it's done but
a girl in love
but mostly this plurk was just me throwing out a completely bs number with no real correlation to real world time in my ongoing journey of waiting for Enkidu to come home
stheno ☆
[x] doubt
a girl in love
I love interesting fight animations
stheno ☆
update: I'm illiterate and it was actually in the interview the whole time
stheno ☆
stheno ☆
but yes hopefully mud soon
Yeah I don't expect it to go super long
But I do have hopes for a little something after Babylon I guess
Otoh if the Quartz changes are a sign maybe not
a girl in love
bury me in mud
bury me in mud
Celizabeth Hood
Lbr tho as long as paid five star gacha exists
Celizabeth Hood
They can make money from that
Celizabeth Hood
Becaude there will be whales who do 263 rolls and gwt only three four star servants