so, i will not be meeting my birth child. her mother has made it crystal clear that i am worthless, and not worth meeting "her child".
cathy (my daughter) asked me how i had been feeling about things (angelo and her meeting, her tagging me on the photo etc) and i told her the truth (sugar coated, dipped in honey, and rolled in molasses),
i said, it hurt to see the photo when i logged on, i wish that she had given me a heads up that she tagged me but, i would be fine... to me, this meant, she asked, and i told her, and we would move on...
but, no.. she apparently wigged out to her 'mother", and god knows what was said but, it ended with me getting texts from her 'mother" about how i am negative, and that there is nothing good about me...
and, just when i have begun to calm down from that virtual smack in my face...
she texted me AGAIN tonight, telling me i am worthless again.
like i need a goddamn reminder..
this is how i see myself every single day of my life..
i didn't need some woman who knows nothing about me, to label it for me..
what the hell is wrong with people? she has no right to talk to you that way ((cozy)
so.. cathy, has defriended and blocked me. and charlene has basically told me to fuck off.
cathy came into my life, turned it completely upside down.. begged me to reach her father and get him to talk to her.. and now, because i am mentally fucked up over doing that for her, i am worthless and
not good enough for them anymore.
Sarahndipity : she is just labeling me what i feel every single day.. i put on a mask and i pray no one sees how messed up i actually am...
hard to hide from a label on my head.
I know that feeling very, very well. I'm so sorry you're foign through thiss :-(
i wish i could find two masks.. identical except on with cracks in it.. think you can find something like that?
I am so sorry to hear this happened. I remember how excited you were about meeting your girl. (cozy)
She's still a minor, right? If so she will soon be able to make choices for herself and I am sure she will come looking for you
Free Star🌟💫🔥
So sorry for all this. Give it time. She might come around.
Cat Granny
I am so sorry you are going through this, she sounds like a total witch
Hugs, this sucks, hopefully fate will work its magic sometime and you will be able to see your daughter, after all no one can control fate.
I'm so sorry. They seem to be acting from their own pain and fears though, it is not you. Please remember that. And it is not over. Just delayed.
Lloyd.Christmas : no, she is a mentally ill 24 yr old (as of oct 4)
Cat Granny : i asked cathy to tell me if i ever acted strangely, or if i said or did something that she found off putting or strange to talk to me about it, not just go off and
freak out over it..
she said she understood and would do as i asked.
i never thought that was a big thing..
but, she doesn't get that i cannot communicate with others in text form, and that i do not like going to bed upset.. that is how things are in our family.. but, i have to remind myself..
that her family seems to prefer lies to the truth..idk.
Dutchie® : she removed me on facebook.. both accounts.. i am pretty sure it's done...
I'm sorry. Cannot imagine how you must feel. Still, think it is their problems, not something you did. Especially not something you are.