a noob question.. if I want to add tags on my flickr pics..
I add Salt & Pepper but it splits it up in Salt Pepper, and instead of one tag, I get 2 separate words
but I see it on other pics , more words with space in between but showing as one tag
how do I do that?
type "salt and pepper" in the quotes..
Harper : thank you so much!
organxgrinder: sometimes simple things like that drives me nuts and I feel stupid for asking. but then, if I don't ask , I won't know lol
if you paste your tags from a blog it keeps them together as well
like copy pasting from wordpress
Daeberethwen : I'm going to out myself once more. I have no clue how wordpress really works. I post my releases on my blog and I even failed to connect it to feeds :/
I know Photoshop and Maya.. but blogs.... hell
I don't use any feeds, but wordpress is pretty easy to use in general.
pick a theme, set a featured image for each post. put tags in and categories if you want. then done!
Daeberethwen : yes, those basic I have done. aren't feeds important though?
Salt : I don't think they're as relevant now as they were. A lot of them are defunct or don't even take new blogs.
Many of them do not allow anything not PG,
so you'd have to make a special category for PG stuff and make an RSS feed from that and it's annoying
Daeberethwen : yeah that was exactly my problem, since my blog is not strictly PG, I didn't manage to catogrize correctly. but anyway. if it's not important, I'll stick with the basics :-D
Sick Cheese
Feeds are dead. A lot of them closed down.
Sick Cheese
A new one occasionally starts but then people realise how much work they are and they fold
Autumn Moon
What sucks is some shops actually require you have a certain number of feeds for your blog before you apply on their blogger applications.
Sick Cheese
Yeah I don't know why stores still ask for feeds. I think it's because they think feeds still matter because it used to be the big thing for bloggers to have. Times change.
I never asked for feeds , I think it's way more important to have a good Flickr with a lot of followers these days. Sometimes even more important than the actual blog
Sick Cheese
Honestly, you're not wrong. It's moved to being all about flickr now.
Autumn Moon
I still like reading blogs though. Lol. I like to hear what someone has to say about something before I go and buy it.
I love blogs that actually write something. Cause a good pic and credits I can have on Flickr.
But those are rare
I am disappointed it went to Flickr. I write about everything I show and it's no small feat to do that some days. It's easy to slap a vignette on a photo, desaturate and call it "art." It's harder to write.
Harper : I totally agree. and those who actually write on their blog are the one that remain interesting in the long term. but of course it's more work.
but good pics are just as important if you want to sell stuff. it's a combo of both what makes a blog awesome
[ amelia ]
i enjoy doing a few words on my blogs.. but then i used to write daily for myself.. sometimes its a small rl ramble.. or a bit on what i am doing in sl.. but i like to add a bit of me to my post