until that world trip happens tho totally up for Irene and Jendayi doing Angelii-Ashura bonding type things now that Irene's not so cray cray anymore 8Db
Hmmm! Lys could adopt Jendayi or Rung could meet Amy. She could use a friend who's good with feelings! But he'd need to convince her he's a nice robot first
and for Rung, I'm totally up for throwing Irene at the Beacon with energon goodies because baw sorry your robobros left mang 8( hang out in town or show her the magic of model ships or w/e
He uh...learned the hard way not to, but at the same time it's hard to keep professional distance when stuck on a ship with everyone...or in a small city.
All I have at the moment is an OC who'd probably d'aww at the cinnamon roll and get protective and honestly needs psychiatric help but Harley Quinn got to that last bit first.
Lys could adopt Jendayior Rung could meet Amy. She could use a friend who's good with feelings! But he'd need to convince her he's a nice robot firstAnd Jendayi would never say no to being adopted again. Give her all the family.Lys stop adopting children ffsdon'y stop adopting childrens.make him the sparkliest princess Jendayi!