stupid wait
the final count on the truffles is four. Amaretto Pecan Cookie Dough Truffles
stupid wait
Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Cookie Dough
Eggnog Truffles
Reese’s Nutter Butter Cookie Truffles
stupid wait
no i have to thin mint one too. my brain is failing me.
stupid wait
im making most of the truffles as i can because i work the next couples days.
stupid wait

After chocolate

Before chocolate
Queen Bun
that sounds yummy!
Queen Bun
also ignore the plurk fail >>
Queen Bun
oh wow now that the images loaded, those are gorgeous!
stupid wait
its ok. those fails made my day
Queen Bun
Queen Bun
yeah my mobile plurk client isn't doing that hot. thankfully it lets me see your gorgeous truffles!
Queen Bun
I hope they taste as great as they look :-D
stupid wait
they are soo good
Queen Bun
got a recipe I may use?
stupid wait
i have 23. which one do you want?
Queen Bun
xD that's a lot of recipes! un that case, the amaretto one please :3
stupid wait
first part
stupid wait
do you have an email i can send it
Queen Bun
yush :-) I'll PP you it
stupid wait
Ok.the recipe was too long
Queen Bun
if you stick it in a google doc it might work?\
stupid wait
i will try it next time