What basic life skills did you have to learn for yourself? Do you wish these had been taught in school?
how to file my own taxes -should be taught
Eating with chopsticks - Personal choice, should not be taught
cooking - It is taught, but I had already learned this and sewing before I ever reached a home ec grade
I second the tax filing skill
How to budget, how to file taxes, how to drive (my school didn't have driver's ed.),
I would say internet, but I was in high school before the internet was really a thing, in all it's 48kbps dial-up glory, so it probably is taught now
Taxes, budgeting and that you need to save and invest not just for current needs and wants but for your future
given the massive amount of student debt, I think some basic economics should be taught freshman year of high school, if not earlier. Teach about interest, and how grades matter in getting scholarships etc
and all that needs taught before it becomes an immediate need. Taxes could be taught then too, albeit a tiny bit late for some as I started working in junior high
(yes, I had to file my first taxes before I ever reached high school. I was handed my tax packet, told I was the one that wanted a job and that taxes were a part, so I needed to do it myself)
♀Pho : yes this absolutely, especially the consequences of easy credit
it might also make people question not only what they want as a major, but whether they even NEED college (I'm of the firm opinion that it's overrated and we need a resurgence of trade schools)
I mean, how many people with art history degrees are working in their field? (outside of my hometown anyway, where there are plenty of galleries for those types (LOL) )
Other countries really push kids to consider their future, what they're good at and what they want to do. Meanwhile we kinda dick around until they're in college and switching majors etc
I totally agree with this
♀Pho : I'm an art history major ;-)
Persey: I think a lot of home ec classes have gone here too because of the budget cuts. Even tho I knew some cooking - my mom always had each kid make dinner once a week during the summer - I still learned
stuff in home ec since it was a different perspective.
♀Pho : taxes is a good idea, those never go away