Awesome. I'm super white, but being a Nebraska native means that to at least a small extent, knowing about the Natives of Nebraska (Lakota Sioux, Oto, Pawnee, Ponca, etc.) is kinda mandatory.
Once upon a time, there were two brothers. The elder was a shapeshifting genie who could take the shape of any animal, the younger was a rabbit who, at the time, had a long tail.
When Rabbit was fully grown, he decided he wanted to see the world. His brother, knowing his penchant for trouble, was all, "OK, have fun, be careful, call me if you need me, 'k?"
So, he shot the giant in the nose with an arrow, which stung like crazy, and yup, the giant woke up asking "Who did that?" and Rabbit was all, "Hi, it was me."
And the giant was all, "I'mma eat you, even though you're tiny." And Rabbit was all, "Nah, bruh. I'm little, sure, but I'm as strong as you are." And the giant was all, "WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT."
And the giant gets this enormous hammer that weighs many tons and says whoever can throw it farthest wins, and if the giant wins, he gets to eat Rabbit. Rabbit's like, "Pshaw, ain't no thing."
Soon, what looks like a cloud appeared in the distance, and the giant was all, "What is that?" And Rabbit was all, "That's my big brother, and he can totes destroy you, your house and tree in one breath."
And the giant was "Make him go away, and you can go free." So Rabbit waved his paws, showing he was fine, and the cloud disappeared, and so did Rabbit.
Next day, Rabbit was heading west through a forest, and he heard this strange groaning. At first he thought it was just the wind, but eventually he found a tree with a naked dude high up in it.
Now, Naked Guy had actually been put there by Rabbit's big brother as punishment, and he couldn't get down unless someone volunteered to take his place. Rabbit, of course, had no idea about that.
So, he's laughing at Naked Guy and saying, "Wow, that looks like fun." And Naked Guy was all, "Hey, you wanna try it, get undressed and come up here and switch with me."
And Rabbit was all "LOL OKAY." And did just that. Of course, Naked Guy wasn't dumb at all and quickly put on Rabbit's discarded clothes, and right about then, Rabbit realized it wasn't fun at all.
So, he cried out "Cinye, Cinye" and Naked Guy was all, "Call him as much as you like, your bro ain't gonna find me." But Rabbit's brother came and was all, "OK, which way did he go?"
And Rabbit's big brother was all, "Hey, you be more careful. I'm very busy and can't just drop everything to come save you all the time, OK?" And Rabbit was all, "Sure, bro."
Several days later, Rabbit came across another house by a river, and he watched as an old man got water from it, following a string attached to his house. So, he followed him, curious.
Now, this old man was also cursed by Rabbit's brother for killing his wife, and was to be old and blind unless someone chose to switch places with him. But Rabbit didn't know that.
And the man was all, "Well, the wolves bring me meat and mice bring me rice and the birds bring me leaves for my tea, but otherwise it's pretty lonely, since I'm old and blind and no one comes to visit."
And the man was like, "Well, if you want we can switch, but you'd be old and blind too, and I'd get your youth" And Rabbit was all, "Eh, I don't care so much about being young. Deal."
And his brother came and asked which way the guy went, and Rabbit was all, "I dunno, I was blind so I couldn't see." So, his brother called all the birds in the woods and asked if they knew anything.
None did, until the owl mentioned he'd seen a guy sleeping under a plum tree the night before, but thought it had been Rabbit, so he didn't bother him.
And Rabbit's brother was like, "Good to hear. From now on, you fly only at night, Owl, and I'll fix your eyes so you can see better in the dark. Everyone else has to hunt during the hot day."
And Rabbit's brother was, "Dude, you're nuts for trading places with him. I probably shouldn't have helped you. I'm getting pretty sick of your shit, so do this again, and I won't help you."
Rabbit figured maybe he'd had enough of adventuring, and started to head home. But along the way, as he stopped to drink at a creek, he heard a weird noise.
Following the noise, he found 4 wolves with their tails intertwined, all pulling. As Rabbit approached, one pulled loose, and Rabbit noticed his tail was broken.
Rabbit cried out, "Cinye, Cinye!" But when his brother arrived, he just shrugged and said, "You look better without a long tail anyway." And since then, rabbits have had short little tails.
Though technically my neck of the woods was more Pawnee territoryI'm sure we've got something.Yeah, yeah, get it out of your system now, perverts)And Naked Guy was all, "Hey, you wanna try it, get undressed and come up here and switch with me."