human disaster
[tales from the borderlands] finished it!!!
human disaster
we'll probably do more playthroughs
human disaster
where i force sipp to play as i make the terrible choices
human disaster
human disaster
...this was a really good game?? ugh
human disaster
im charmed
human disaster
one con but thats more telltale related
human disaster
this feels so much like cutscenes that i kePT FORGETTING I WAS PLAYING A GAME
human disaster
the number of times i went "oh, SHIT--" and hastily pressed buttons
human disaster
other con: fucking claptrap ive been had
holy shipp
im personally victimized by claptrap
human disaster
other con: fucking rhys's shoe?? kept them both on in the end, 0 stars
human disaster
im rly bad at finding money so we never had enough for outfits is there new game plus i wanna buy?? all the stuff???
human disaster
the robots are the best characters. except claptrap
human disaster
everyone was weirdly charming and im going to seduce jack next playthrough tbh
human disaster
sipp will have to suffer That
holy shipp
i refuse
human disaster
the characters were cool the writing was clever, funny and TOTALLY HAD ME THERE WITH SASHA and
human disaster
fucking made me interested in borderlands
human disaster
holy shipp
holy shipp
why do bad things happen to good sipps
human disaster
youre a naughty sipp dont even
holy shipp
im a good sipp
human disaster
fucking didnt trust sasha with your gun :/
holy shipp
holy shipp
i still got her in the end
holy shipp
tsundere route
human disaster
human disaster
human disaster
a n y w a y i rly liked it. im very mad about that
★ ᴘᴀɴᴛʜᴇʀ
To hell
human disaster
hell was paying fake money for claptrap
human disaster
i hate
★ ᴘᴀɴᴛʜᴇʀ
human disaster
haha i told you so
i'll stream it for you, zia. i will
human disaster
listen let's all be real here it had me at lesbians
i never lie when i say borderlands is really gay
like... canon queer all over the place
human disaster
i didnt know that!!! but i totally got janey and athena to marry
good job
but yeah! there's quite a few, janey and athena are one that get a lot of attention bc they're in tftb but during the other games there's a lot of staple characters that are lgbtq
it's just not really a big deal for them
even jack, when asked in a reddit ama about gay marriage is just like why the fuck wouldn't we have that
very much one of those sci-fi canons that actually go "okay it's like a billion years later, why would they still have homophobia/sexism/racism/etc"
there's problems sure but different ones than those
human disaster
I like sci-fi who's just listen.... we're too busy with other shit
holy shipp