so with the Brexit collapse, people are pouring money into US bonds, which is making the value of my kid's college savings account decrease. Thanks, Britain

damn brexit will hit hard many people

i am saddened and angry at the result, not at the people voting, but the mass media and the parties that created or let all these lies aired for the people to get all wrong

I am not a blind supporter of the UE in may ways, but i can't deny it has a possitive impact on the continent (including those islands in the north)

and now the british (or better said the english?) are like a party pooper that after pissing in the carpet and insulting the guests, are reluctant to go out despite their claims they wanted to go out NOW

yeah, they're like, "just kidding!" like the whole country has borderline personality disorder.

well, interesting times, huh? And I myself am ignorant over how the EU actually works and how much input ordinary people have into the rules it makes.

it like federalism vs. states rights here in the US?

to put it simple (if that can be) the EU has a parliament where every country has seats depending on population, that would be legislative power, then there's a court of justice

and then what we would call the government, divided between the european comission (1 comissioner for each country) that's like ministers or your secretaries..

and the european council, formed by all the prime ministers or heads of state of each country

there's a struggle of power among the parliament and the Eu council, the council proposes the comission members, but the parliament has to validate it

the parliament of course is the part directly chosen by citizens through election every 5 years

that is in short

so the claim of britons about losing their freedom is bullshit, they asked to enter, they had a lot of seats in the parliament, the last EU economic secretary (now resigned) was british and...

their PM was in the council with a veto right, of course the parts they opted out in the negociations were out of their decission like the Euro and lot more

but just because they decided not to participate, it was their right but they were in a watered down union by their own desire so no valid claims about EU taking decissions against their will

that's the part I didn't understand: if the Brits elected their representatives, then they did have a voice in the policies

it's the same here - people say they hate the federal government, but they are the ones electing buffoons to run it,

and then they complain endlessly if the government doesn't give them their cookies. Oh, but other people can't have cookies, only themselves.

UK has 73 seats out of 751 in the EU parliament, sure they have no power at all concerning decissions in the EU
the Ukip has 24 seats that used to sabotage all they can