His Lullaby
[rant] Yeah, I think I'm going to turn this Plurk into a rant account. (Okay not really, but...)
His Lullaby
So we were close to putting in a contract on a house in Florida. That didn't happen because Mom's loan thingie doesn't cover closing costs.
quarter trauma
Prepares the cuddling
His Lullaby
Cal's pissed because they don't have the money to pay closing costs. His fault, really because he doesn't know how to not spend. To be fair, I'm pretty bad too, but that's why I give Mom a certain amount every
His Lullaby
month to put aside so I have a comfortable nest egg for bigger things that are coming up (such as helping pay for train tickets or hotel, depending on which way we go).
His Lullaby
But Mom has been telling him for months to stop spending.
His Lullaby
So that they would have money for things like closing costs and moving expenses.
His Lullaby
So now I have to deal with him being in a bad mood because he's 1) out of money until the 1st of July and 2) they had to forego this house that we all really wanted.
His Lullaby
Thankfully Mom is a good saver, and they will still be able to afford the trip to do the actual house buying thing next week.
quarter trauma
Oh, jeez. I'm so sorry
His Lullaby
Otherwise, Mom would be stuck at her current job (things are starting to go downhill there because people don't want to follow rules and they're not being nice to Mom because she does, and is a top seller),
His Lullaby
Add to that that I might be have to go on different medication or a different schedule (I go in for a med check in 15 minutes), and yeah. I'm really anxious and haven't been feeling well for the last 3 days.
His Lullaby
To his credit, Daddy is trying not to take his mood out on me.
His Lullaby
trying really hard*
His Lullaby
He knows I'm in a transition period, and he is trying to be mindful of that, which is greatly appreciated.
quarter trauma
/hugs tightly...!
His Lullaby
I just wish he wasn't so petty sometimes.
His Lullaby
/hugs to electrorobo ! We need to do some kinda call whether phone or via Line... I know I have shows I watch during the week, so maybe sometime over the weekend would be better? though I know you spend time
His Lullaby
with Justin then, too...so....
quarter trauma
Sunday night? He goes and watches game of thrones
His Lullaby
Sounds good!
quarter trauma
although got is ending soon but whatever, he can deal, he's usually in his comp then anyway
His Lullaby
LOL. He can say hi
His Lullaby
yamsteapot: Good luck, my friend!!