Caitlin Tobias
Overhere we have this stores called 'Zeeman' and 'Action'. For cheap linnen and all kinds of things you never knew you needed, till you see them.
Caitlin Tobias
Today I went there for two tea towels. And got home with a bag full of other towels, knitting wool, sport socks, some cute ice-tea glasses...oh and two new blankets for the pup!
Caitlin Tobias
Of course I got the tea towels too. Not two. But they had cute colours. And yeah I really needed the matching towels!
Caitlin Tobias
All that for 10 euro! W00t!
Caitlin Tobias
Caitlin Tobias
I am such a sucker for the 1 euro department...
That's like me and Target here in the States. You go in for one thing...and come out with the whole store.
Caitlin Tobias
✨Skye : and you really need it all!!
I cant stand the Action, I get sick by store atmosphere, I dont know what they put in that climate controle :-/