When you genuinely want to up and leave Plurk at times but hate the fact that none of the few friends you have on here wouldn't make the effort-
to come after you and keep in contact.
There's a fine line between "wouldn't" and "don't feel like it's wanted"
I have people I want to keep in contact with on here. But it sucks that we rarely talk or get involved...I know certain friends have no intention on joining other forms of social media I happen to-
always use too..so there'd basically be no way of contacting each other otherwise. Also I stopped using skype because when I get involved with group chats I just fall silent.
I'm not good with too many people at once...
I have really bad social anxiety about one-on-one interaction, even with people I've known a long time. Plurk really helps me communicate with people in that regard.
it's not not making the effort, it's that the effort is draining and terrifying.
It gets even worse for me when people that make out they DO value me as a friend/say they want to rp with me seemingly leave me out of things and make me feel like I'm wasting my time with them.
I'm getting to the point where I don't know if it's even worth it anymore and thats why I want up and out of here.
But the sting in the tail is the people I feel would want to keep in contact wouldn't have any way of keeping in touch with me.
i am with mantis on this. rl has been horrifically draining as of late, to the point where i can barely speak to actual humans. i would be very upset if one of my friends on plurk up and left
Then what would you guys do in my position, out of curiosity?
be patient
I'm not sure I understand the logic behin "be patient" ...it's being patient for all this while and now getting sick of being ignored and unsure if my presence is actually wanted anymore thats drove-
me to feeling this way in the first place.