"As our investigations currently stand, the longest period that may be relived without the possibility of serious harm to the traveller or to time itself is around five hours."
Now JKR does say: "I smashed all remaining Time-Turners during the battle in the Department of Mysteries, removing the possibility of reliving even short periods in the future."
Come on, that doesn't mean Harry has any fucking clue what he's doing and James is obviously a completely different personality than Albus so it's a learning experience because THAT'S HOW LIFE GOES.
Yeah, he's involved with the family and they love him like a son but I feel like the biggest argument he got into with Mr. Weasley was about Draco being evil in HBP lmfao SO LIKE.
How to deal with kids yelling at you, your own kids taunting you, how not to snap at them, how to discipline -- all things he might've struggled with??
Harry did call Remus out on his bullshit, though, I guess. When he was thinking of leaving Tonks when she was pregnant because he thought he was dragging them down. Harry called him a coward.
"‘Harry, I’m sure James would have wanted me to stick with you." "Well," said Harry slowly, "I’m not. I’m pretty sure my father would have wanted to know why you aren’t sticking with your own kid, actually."
Also why is everyone so caught up in the whole "VOLDEMORT WOULD NEVER WANT AN HEIR" thing like who said anything about wanting an heir, maybe he just felt like banging Bellatrix.
The thing that does sort of bother me the most is that even if it was kept hidden and squeezed into the original text in weird and implausible ways, it's still like--
like, literally, there's being from a bad family (see Draco) and then there's being out right cursed as a newborn to never ever feel love for anyone or from anyone
Okay well even if she's not assumed evil the point remains that Voldemort's kid was hanging around out there and no one said anything about it. Or Narcissa didn't. If she even knew.
And I think JKR did say that Voldemort can't love because he was conceived due to a love potion. But I don't know if the implication there is that he therefore was RAISED without love.
I saw someone say something about how this was JKR's way of redeeming Slytherins except that neither Scorpius nor Albus exhibit many Slytherin traits and I want to talk about it.
So not born evil, because Harry was really raised in similar circumstances and could've turned out the same way. But then that's the whole point -- that their choices define them. XD
But I THINK that one of the main reason Albus is doing the whole go-back-in-time thing is to kind of prove to everyone that he IS like his dad...? If I remember reading that right somewhere.
But like i guess you probably wouldn't be sending your kids to school going OKAY NOW BE NICE TO SLYTHERINS because it's usually them that's the problem.
also thanks"Well," said Harry slowly, "I’m not. I’m pretty sure my father would have wanted to know why you aren’t sticking with your own kid, actually."