quarter trauma
going back through Facebook memories and jfc why was Ben such a jackass to me
quarter trauma
"you've been buying board games like they're penny candy"
quarter trauma
ok but like. RIT debit covers half of food, I had literally thousands coming in from loans that I couldn't apply to my schooling, and I had a job on top of that that paid like $12 an hour
quarter trauma
so it's not like I was running myself into the red. far from it.
quarter trauma
Also, picking up video games at $50+ a pop is a lot more of an investment than board games, and the ones I pick up are usually $20 or less.
quarter trauma
like it's one thing if I was into the miniatures games or something like Justin is, but no. Just simple card games, primarily.
quarter trauma
like yeah I can't afford to do what I was doing NOW but THAT'S WHY I'M NOT...