uguu prince
[Ange] Help. I'm just 5 days into an abusive relationship and it feels like a year had passed.
oh jeez, azu, can you talk about anything? do you need anything?
uguu prince
I got to know a friend of my current guild leader who moved to our guild just for fun.
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She stayed for a while and we just grew, thanks to the Lobi app.
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her brief stay ended and she just found me irresistible so she took me to her own guild which she is leader of.
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for initially one week only. She kept a sub account with my leader's guild to act as barter.
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we were now so madly in love, but things took a nasty turn that nearly broke us apart.
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my guild leader botched a phone transfer. his current and new phone can't login for a week (a feature of the game)
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my now gf sent help in her own guild and one very loyal member obliged to join my parent guild.
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you see, both of their accounts are hardhitters who rack up points in the thrice daily guild battles.
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but she can't move her main acc to my parent guild because she was borrowing me.
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so while my leader sought help from app support, the loyal guy who was a hardhitter himself acted for my leader and saved my parent guild from relegation
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it doesn't help when a lot of our current members were so busy with shit including leader who just got no time to go to battle with his job
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rarely misses battle before and contributed average of 90% of our score.
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two days later my leader's account was reinstated. My gf who is really indoubted with the loyal guy, had already moved her sub acc to another group she already planned to help
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but leader just said to the loyal guy "oh, leaving already? what a shame. Bye!"
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gf was so pissed, she took her frustration out to leader, who knew him for a few times, leader had secretly admired her and had once went to her guild
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for a few months, I mean
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she riled his insensitivity to the loyal guy, bitched about why he doesn't show up much to battle and was gonna take me permanently to her guild as reparation.
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I was already a subleader to my parent guild, so leader losing me was a huge blow, but came the shock of me going out with her prolly fucked his mind up
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after a long, late reply, leader snapped and suddenly
disbanded our guild
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gf went into a deep period of depression, taking blame for my former guild's demise
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she's now quitting the game for good, and, before yesterday, found out I was living outside of Japan among with a few other unpleasantries
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I've been wanting to fall in love for such a long time now, she is a godsend to me and potentially cutting off from her would be disastrous for me
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so I gave her my pjone number so that we could still contact each other even if she quit Ange.
And now I wanna go meet her.
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So where is the abusive part? We'll she's one of those extremely jealous type of women.
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digged my past, found that I'd fell in love in Ange before (see previous Ange posts)
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went batshit that I was actually trying to court men (homophobe I guess...) so it was hard to convince her it was all playacting
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get asked "have you really fucked boys?" ALL THE TIME.
uguu prince
just heard from her she's not quitting. Since leader's playing with a different guild.