Exegetic Gains
[GW2] Dipping my toes into the expert tier fractals. Whoever designed the "enemies explode on death" instability should have just not done that

Exegetic Gains
it basically necessitates range but it's horrible in stuff like

Exegetic Gains
well okay I did Snowblind and Volcanic since they're recommended today and are scales 51 and 52

Exegetic Gains
Snowblind: how about being in the snowstorm where you literally can't see anything and if any enemy dies within melee range of you for any reason you lose a chunk of health and get knocked down

Exegetic Gains
Volcanic: not bad up until the final boss, when you have swarms of low hp lava elementals covering the field

TENtacle :3c
We playing Bastion with all idols on now??

Exegetic Gains
also the party I did the t2 dailies with (before I decided to attempt t3) was soooooo fast

Exegetic Gains
We really need to find a regular PS warrior lol

Exegetic Gains
my t3 party was much slower in comparison, despite having decent dps classes

TENtacle :3c
I'm getting there, I'm gathering the skill points

Exegetic Gains
You intend to play PS warr?

TENtacle :3c
My gear is still sinister stats unfortunately so my crit rate is a bit lower but I can still maintain 25 stacks

TENtacle :3c
If you're intending to run drood yeah

Exegetic Gains
here's a reference for dps rankings btw

Exegetic Gains
Rev is still great though?

TENtacle :3c
Er not sinister

Exegetic Gains
also I meant like, as a constant 5th member

Exegetic Gains
which is what we really need. before settling on any stats lol

Exegetic Gains
er, classes

TENtacle :3c
Rev is also boring as hell after a while lol. The gear is sharable between the two anyway

Exegetic Gains
(obviously as with all dps rankings these represent ideal conditions and are not necessarily playable nor do they account for specific encounter requirements)

Exegetic Gains
well if you're going to swap Rev and PS Warr are a good trade

Exegetic Gains
similar buffing style and role

TENtacle :3c
Yeah and honestly I'm just curious about the berserker. Just getting the remaining skill points

Exegetic Gains
Berserker is more active than PS Warr

Exegetic Gains
You get headbutt, which is fun, and your goal becomes building up enough adrenaline to use your bursts as much as possible during berserk mode

Exegetic Gains
I'm increasingly curious about condi reaper :|a it seems like it would be fun to play just because it's so weird

Exegetic Gains
(also we can help you get skill points this weekend if you want, it doesn't take too long to max out an espec with a group)

Exegetic Gains
this weekend may be kind of weird for me because I'm working Thursday-Saturday

Exegetic Gains
I'll be off in time for stuff but I'll probably be so tired

Exegetic Gains
also taking a moment to express my disappointment that "Fun in the Southsun" is not introducing swimwear


where are my Faren speedos anet

i want to see huge hulking norn running around in tiny speedos

Exegetic Gains
it's the only thing I want

though asura underwear for both genders looks exactly like swimwear

Exegetic Gains
I mean I also want it to be culturally specific like the wedding outfit and I want to see charr have some ridiculous approximation of roman swimwear

Exegetic Gains

I guess I'll just take my aviators for now

Exegetic Gains

Exegetic Gains
I wish I could use them on my ranger with her sweet hat though

the struggle

Exegetic Gains
anyway I have enough ar for the daily uncat in t3 so I guess I'll try that too

Exegetic Gains
interestingly, since moving to drood, the thing about uncat that I find to be the most difficult BY FUCKING FAR is the stupid electric staircase

Exegetic Gains
instead of that I joined a group at scale 64 because the ad said "at boss"

Exegetic Gains
scale 64 turns out to be Thaumanova, and here we are, 30 minutes later, unable to progress

Exegetic Gains
the main problem, aside from thaumanova is terrible, is the instability combination

Exegetic Gains
1. enemies apply random conditions with their attacks

Exegetic Gains
2. using a skill while under a condition makes the cooldown longer

Exegetic Gains
that's a bad combination at the best of times, but the real issue is the last stage of the fight

Exegetic Gains
you literally cannot avoid being hit by the platform targeted lasers, since they're EVERYWHERE and they hit you even if you're on the platform adjacent to their target

Exegetic Gains
only one person can consistently survive past ~33% health and they're the Reaper, presumably because their minions are taking their conditions

Exegetic Gains
I'm on drood and I have lots of condi removal but it's all static, and you can't stand around and wait for it because fucking Anomaly

Exegetic Gains
our dps is terrible but that's because everyone is running sustain because you basically have to

Exegetic Gains
lmao I googled it and the accepted strat is to have 1 person stay behind at the console and have them rez people who die and relog

TENtacle :3c
That's stupid as fuck

Exegetic Gains
go to bed Ten

Exegetic Gains
why would you even