Lord Nick
[RP] To add to the list of characters I should try to play somewhere.
Lord Nick
Obscure anime space bounty hunter lady who got told that the immortal all-powerful space monster couldn't be killed and immediately decided she was gonna kill it
Lord Nick
And has a utility belt that Batman would envy
Math Mage
<3 <3 <3
Math Mage
Lord Nick
My personal favorite moment was when she was on a planet where the unkillable space monster was rampaging through some slums while the local government stood by because it was clearing the "trash" for them
Lord Nick
so she tied it up, and dragged it behind her car right up to the front door of city hall and fought it there
Shit I remember that
Math Mage
I actually found it in Youtube, the dub anyways... It's somewhere on my timeline...
Lord Nick
I actually have it on DVD. I'd have to review but I mean it's only six episodes.
Lord Nick
And two live action movies if I want to watch those as well.
Math Mage
I only remember parts of the first movie. Mostly because I found it by accident while channel surfing.
Math Mage
I wonder if I can get the DVD still...
Math Mage
It was good from what I remember.
Lord Nick
I'd imagine so
Lord Nick
Yeah I liked it
Lord Nick
I do remember the second one went full toku too
....Is that Iria?
Lord Nick
I haven't seen Iria since I was in high school
Lord Nick
That's when I first watched it too
I think I found it trying to browse "cool anime chicks" when she appeared xD
Lord Nick
Well that's certainly a list she'd appear on.
Undoubtedly. I always thought she was pretty badass.
Lord Nick
She definitely doesn't afraid of anything