Peil Wiggler
I literally never thought these words would ever. Come out of my mouth in my life. But. I think I might... have too many Pokemon...
Peil Wiggler
Peil Wiggler
I'm trying to clear off my Black cartridge so I can replay it and i'm like WELP LEMME JUST TRANSFER MY GUYS OVER TO BANK AND THEN I'M GOOD TO... GO....
Peil Wiggler
18 boxes full of Pokemon
Peil Wiggler
You can't just shift, a whole bunch of pokemon at once, in Black either
Peil Wiggler
you have to move them
Peil Wiggler
Peil Wiggler
Peil Wiggler
Peil Wiggler
into the main box
Peil Wiggler
and you can only do one box at a time via transporter
Peil Wiggler