tea’s gone cold
[trump] yep
papermint tiger
sadly the person who pointed out it's probably Sudafed is right, i can even see the S on the box in the drawer
papermint tiger
...but hey now we can assume he's a meth head
but also
Big Bad Guzma.
haha you wish trump
Big Bad Guzma.
we've learned that lesson
either way really
it sure as shit looks like the Viagra box
also, leave it to Trump to demand the brand name
tea’s gone cold
donald trump with tears flowing down his cheeks stuffing his face full of d1scount herbal c14lis
should I be cringing whenever I hear that name or especially see his face?
that's a normal response
papermint tiger
that means you are a sane human being
ok. i need to hear that every so often. most my family are trump supporters. it grinds at my soul to hear their regurgitated filth
tea’s gone cold
i'm so sorry.
tea’s gone cold
i'm lucky enough to have parents with political beliefs that roughly line up with my own, apart from me being more socially liberal because ~millenial powers~
tea’s gone cold
even talking politics with my lovely, lovely tory grandparents is bad enough, but the tories aren't the same level of shitshow as trump