duck bastard
[khr/rp] when you stare at a muse whose only reaction for probably the next few weeks is "lowkey but consistent internal screaming"
duck bastard
♕Mimi Chi♕ Mukuro pls stop yanking on your already confused housewife's feelings
duck bastard
but ANYWAY is he really ditching this poor family for three months and if so how do you want to play this out
♕Mimi Chi♕
But why it's one of his favorite hobbies. : O And lmao of course not he's going to watch all of this like a creep.
duck bastard
mukuro pls
♕Mimi Chi♕
And idk we can kind of handwave it and then if anything happens with the clerk Mukuro will return like a true shoujo manga rival and fight for his wife.
♕Mimi Chi♕
Or you know, at least be a dick and a cockblock. : \
♕Mimi Chi♕
Or he could get bored of it in a month or something could come up and he suspends that experiment for now.
duck bastard
flip a coin time 8U
duck bastard
✥ℭℌæɍɍⅈȵℊ✥ Ken, this is exactly why Chikusa's anxiety hormones are going to spike and now you know why
duck bastard
meanwhile, in a completely different thread
duck bastard
> Tsuna: Try to have a serious conversation with this asshole while still wearing a schoolgirl uniform
♕Mimi Chi♕
Ganbatte Tsuna. : O One day it might happen. Even if that convo would be about snacks or something.
duck bastard
not gonna be about stop stealing from him, 'tho, is it mukuro BT
♕Mimi Chi♕
He would stop if Tsuna didn't get so angry about it. He just finds it hilarious. The Great Vongola Decimo so angry over stolen snacks.
duck bastard
They're snacks from Japan okay!!!
duck bastard
he's homesick and tired of Italian food 24/7
♕Mimi Chi♕
Remind him where this is his problem.
duck bastard
because he keeps stealing them
♕Mimi Chi♕
That sounds more like a win for him.
duck bastard
maybe he'll just never refill his snack box again! or at least long enough to hopefully dissuade Mukuro
♕Mimi Chi♕
Good luck. Mukuro can survive longer than Tsuna without them, especially since he's free to travel whenever and wherever he wants. : D
duck bastard
you don't know he can't survive!!!
duck bastard
he can hold out
♕Mimi Chi♕
Should they place a friendly wager on it? : D
duck bastard
all the suspicious squinting
duck bastard
Mukuro he is pretty sure your idea of 'friendly' is twisted
♕Mimi Chi♕
Should he remind him of the mission of the mist blah blah blah.
duck bastard
Mukuro, not to mince any words, but he's pretty sure that's for the Mist Guardian that actually does her job and doesn't want to kill him 8T
duck bastard
you're just some asshole who can use illusions
♕Mimi Chi♕
Fucking rudeeeeeeeeeeeee.
♕Mimi Chi♕
Brb stealing all your snacks and your hos. Except for Gokudera you can keep him.
duck bastard
Chrome!!! Chrome help!!
Chrome: -fills Tsuna's cabinet with snacks for Mukuro to steal and then tells Haru about it so she makes homemade ones for Tsuna instead-
duck bastard
;v; this works...
♕Mimi Chi♕
Chrome if you keep babying him like that he'll never get stronger. : \
duck bastard
Mukuro that has nothing to do with you stealing his snacks and you know it BT
♕Mimi Chi♕
It has everything to do with it. : \ He could fight him but he only fights him in school girl uniforms and it's honestly insulting.
huge Japan crate subscription from Mysterious Benefactor
duck bastard
omfg mukuro he does not fight you in only school girl uniforms
♕Mimi Chi♕
Pics beg to differ. : O Be proud of your tiny hamster legs.
duck bastard
♕Mimi Chi♕
Even her bullshit and illusions aren't good enough to convince him otherwise. : O Also apparently spindly little hamsters in school girl outfits are popular.
♕Mimi Chi♕
So many likes and comments on Instagram.
duck bastard
BT gdi mukuro
duck bastard
but the members of the vongola harem could have told you that
♕Mimi Chi♕
Who all is included in the Vongola harem? Mostly so he knows if he cares or trusts any of their opinions.
duck bastard
ahaha I think me and Chaer and DA play it as... Tsuna, Kyoko, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Hibari, Chrome, and Xanxus.
♕Mimi Chi♕
Denied. All of them have trash taste clearly. Even his cute little Chrome.
duck bastard
aldkjalsdfa rude as hell
duck bastard
but that means you're trash too, mukuro
♕Mimi Chi♕
He does live in run down buildings this isn't news. : O But fight him hamster. : /
duck bastard
duck bastard
he is not hibari, mukuro, stop picking fights with him
duck bastard
also mimi we're talking about Chrome getting pregnant with someone not from K-gang, gasp
Well if you think her taste is trash Mukuro-sama what does that say about you
oh James made that point up there
♕Mimi Chi♕
Because Mukuro hates his face that's why. : \ And oh no gasp shock horror. But lmao idk unless the kid came out to be perfect vessel number two why does Mukuro care? Chrome is her own person etc etc.
duck bastard
adsljfas don't be weird at chrome's kids, mukuro
♕Mimi Chi♕
He's weird to everyone why would Chrome's kids be exempt. If anything, they'd be pretty high on his creep list. : O
She loves you Mukuro-sama, but she will end you.
She will not be her careless mother.
duck bastard
So will Shimon because guess who she banged
♕Mimi Chi♕
Wow he's super afraid of both of them- except wait. Hm. : \
♕Mimi Chi♕
Also sorry Shimon, if Hibari can beat you, he's not that cowed.
duck bastard
that's fine, they'll call Tsuna, who's beat you 8U
duck bastard
all's fair in love and war
♕Mimi Chi♕
Make sure he dry cleans that school girl outfit of his first. : O
duck bastard
Sorry, he only has the old schoolboy uniform from when he first won, Mukuro
♕Mimi Chi♕
... Wow he still fits into that. How sad for him. D: No growth in all this time...
duck bastard
Three inches, Mukuro 8T That doesn't make an old uniform not fit.
♕Mimi Chi♕
Three inches of extra hair? : O
duck bastard
BT Three inches of solid height.
♕Mimi Chi♕
Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy.