gross tmi plurk
there is literally a wet spot on the floor from my leg oozing fluid all day. I saw the doc yesterday and they prescribed hydrocortisone for the itch and inflammation of eczema, but I'm still dripping like a
leaky friggin faucet. And this is WITH a washcloth at hand to pat my leg dry-ish as often as possible during the day
I feel ya. Wish I could help or had good advice. Just sending lots of hugs and vibes
Fianna Idora
ugh sounds dreadful (cozy)
yeah it's pretty nasty. This morning I decided that necessity was the mother of invention, and sewed some ribbons onto an old washcloth. Gonna stick a nighttime pad with wings onto that and then strap it on.
Fianna Idora
how very MacGyver of you lol
so far I think it's marginally working. I do feel some seepage around the very edge where it's not got sufficient coverage to absorb, but nothing like the grossness of yesterday. Course by keeping it all there
I'm going to have to be uber careful not to let it get infected
♀Pho : I have been there strapping pantiliners to my feet