boodle boy
FINALLY leaving work. Sidewalks are looking good! [edit: cw/ splinter type scenario]
🐅 its harry
zee art
holy shit
zee art
don't die
annie, fall
what rivers of ice to cross
duck bastard
o h
Hall Decker
i hate the sidewalk in front of that empty lot.
..... that looks like the kind of thing where a calvin and hobbes comic wold make it completely different
that ice?? slush?
boodle boy
it's just solid ice
boodle boy
but I made it
Hall Decker
vspa m jponica
boodle boy
in other news inventory is terrible I don't like it
boodle boy
but it's over for.....hopefully awhile
boodle boy
ah, okay I took a hot shower and it was great
boodle boy
I'm Gonna have a nice warm bowl of soup for dinner probably with some avocado and balsamic on toast
boodle boy
I just found a piece of glass in my foot
boodle boy
luckily it was not embedded enough to hit nerves yet but explains the sharp pain I was ocassionally getting walking home
boodle boy
thought it was just from wearing bad shoes all day but nope
boodle boy
little piece of glass
boodle boy
in my foot.
boodle boy
but luckily it gave up without a fight and my foot it fine, Bandaid in place and now it's time for dinner
duck bastard
I stubbed my foot into a shard of glass on one of my first nights in my current house
it was also easy to deal with, but bleeding feet aren't great
boodle boy
ahh that sounds decidedly unfun
🐅 its harry
yikes @@
🐅 its harry
boodle boy
me too
boodle boy
it was miraculously low drama and easy to deal with