I don't know where my mind has been but whatever i'm just gonna roll with it https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1563/24230072783_05627a8b00_b.jpg
I Know I'm A Wolf - Wolf's Rain
Mae Mae
Ralphie I like it. I'm amazed seeing how creative individuals can be when given a new piece.
Mae Mae
the headpiece I can see as a wolf, but I bet it would be neat to do a running of the bulls theme with it too...
Mae Mae : aww thanx that mask is amazing crap i could come up with a million things to do with it like a good Viking warrior to a Greek God i just ran with the wolf theme cause i was in the mood
yea i went Norse, cause thats right in my wheelhouse XD
CultCommander : oh i luved yours so much i was determined to get it for this pic cause of it