Like mundane mental illness, a Marauder’s madness slips between the cracks of the world around that person, either seeping in and rotting the surroundings through slow disintegration
The one thing I will say for the description is that it's probably meant to be taken in the context of Mage: The Ascension's consensus reality paradigm
it feels sad that the only system I can think of that ever included mental illness in it while still being as respectful and well thought-out as it could was fucking Call of Cthulu
I still have one of the old big-ass manuals and there's an entire chapter about mental illness and respectful play and the need for Keepers to not demonize or trivialize real problems that real people have
it even discussed the actual treatments used for certain mental illnesses, realistic ways for Investigators to cope with problems they might end up with, and a rather sad but well-done overview of the history
if only via the thought process of "well, we want to work mental illness into the setting, and CoC has entire major parts of its core mechanics centered on mental illness, maybe we should see what they did"
Awakened Magic kinda means that if you see reality differently from someone else, your reality is the one that gets imposed if you put any effort into it whatsoever
Eclipse Phase has a system that I understand to be similar to CoC's, but I'd be interested in non-mechanical advice on how to work things into play without being either gross or annoying.
Like mundane mental illness, a Marauder’s madness slips between the cracks of the world around that person, either seeping in and rotting the surroundings through slow disintegration
or else settling into the vulnerable areas and then cracking them like a sudden freeze through deep-set currents of ice.