Man I want to watch some horror movies, but what I like in the genre is severely limited by 1. my fear of seeing a dog die and 2. the sheer abundance of horrible acting.
Like I will sit and watch terrible horror movies all day long, but if I can tell the people in them are amateurs who dashed out a script a day before shooting? Can't do it.
I haven't seen much, myself (I've been meaning to get more into it), but this one was good-- I'm just not sure where you stand on movies that really brutalize female characters
when there is no tension or buildup or development and all the filmmaker is doing is heaping more and more horrible shit on you without stopping to let you breathe, it's not horror to me.
I also really like old style horror. Like The Haunting (which is why I enjoyed Crimson Peak so much), or the Whisperer in Darkness when I want something horror but also vaguely sci-fi flavored
also sorry for not reading through all the way before replying xD