[medication/emotions/pms???] I don't know if I'm crazy or not but I feel like since I started my meds I've been like
even more emotional and sensitive during pms/my period
which I have never had an issue with before
but man. It seems like since I started my medication I've just been SUPER SENSITIVE to everything and it exacerbates those stupid pricklings in the back of my head about feeling ignored/unwanted in groups
the ones I normally ignore because it's my brain being stupid
Might need to talk to my doctor about it, but other days of the month the medication is the perfect combo
I'll need to keep an eye on it and see if it's only during the PMS/start of my period or does it throughout the whole week
because I'm in a weird place of being really emotional and also rationally like "okay, this is not normal wth is going on"
And I'm trying to figure it out but getting on medication recently was the first time I'd be back on anything in a couple of years. I do not have a lot of experience with daily meds 8(
Plum Bun
oof :< that's really rough
YEAH and I feel so stupid because it's my emotions going stupid over little things even
like I got really upset earlier when I finally got a tech thing back from a repair place, but they gave me a newer model since they couldn't fix my old one and I was SO UPSET because it wasn't the exact same
even though I had okayed the change in model
I have had a lot of time to think on this because today has been a chill in bed while my cramps calm down day. though at least that part is normal for me the first day
That definitely sounds like something you should talk to your doc about
Yeah, issue is it's so damn expensive to have to keep going to appointments and figuring out different med combos
and I know there's been improvements since I've gotten on it with what my counselor had been showing me, they did evals every few weeks to help see what was going on
yeah, that thing where you're totally rational about your irrationality? that's a sign it's chemical in nature.
it is okay to want to keep tweaking things, but it is also okay to accept a certain number of predictable off days. you're the one that has to live like this.
i was absolutely useless two days a month for a while because i needed a break from all that doctor shit.
Yeah I'm mostly worried about the money part. Because it costs money to get medication and money to go see the doctor. It adds up if I have to go see her once ever two weeks-to one month to change things or
check on things
sometimes your body needs time to adjust, too. might be two months down the road you're not so frisible.
It's been... I think three months now?
Because I got onto it shortly after I started up at the counseling center because I had to track down what doctor they used now for their medication
and some days I feel like I have a really good handle on things and others I'm just so done
I really need to graduate and get a change of scenery I think
Is this spring your last semester?
If I can actually finish my thesis, yeah
but I know leaving will be a giant mess
It'll be such a weight off your shouldersto have it done, man
Yeah, if I can at least get graduating / school down that'd be one less thing to worry about (besides finding a real job)
I miss living either by myself or with friends
Really tired of the whole living with family situation, but I need a real job before I can get away from that and for my older brother to figure out something better than living with us