Discount Gligar
Christmas tree! And guest. Sorry it's a bad photo |D
Discount Gligar
I'll take one with an actual camera later, but I didn't feel like putting a card in it, getting batteries, etcetc...
Thx everybody!
pretty <3
Snarky Geek
Fawn looks likre she wants to swat an ortament XD
Discount Gligar
Fawn was trying to chew on an ornament. And then one of the lights
Discount Gligar
Discount Gligar
There ya go, the two other photos I saved
kitty no!
Discount Gligar
I unfortunately did not keep the one where she was reaching up to try and eat one of the yellow lights
Snarky Geek
Fawn no. Tree lights are bad for you.
Ooooh pretty! And the tree's nice too! XD (But Fawn, no, we want you to live.)