hnnnngh I've decided that the worst thing about being poor this year is, for me, GETTING WISHLIST SNIPED.
Went to go buy things for people and others beat me to it >|
{Eli 💀🩵🐙💜} I blame you. Not because you sniped me. But because it was your wishlist I was just looking at and I think that's lololol
Everything but one item I wanted to get is gone
{Eli 💀🩵🐙💜}
Oh nooooo!
I laughed. A lot.
{Eli 💀🩵🐙💜}
And after i sniped you before orz
Exactly why I thought it was hilarious 83
everything I was going to get your wife is gone
that's what I get for planning, I guess
I need less responsible friends who don't buy so early.
{Eli 💀🩵🐙💜}
I got ur sister lipgloss
{Eli 💀🩵🐙💜}
Oooh, i bet she'll love those