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[RP] Ok, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I'm pretty sure something has to change
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I made zero effort to tag while on hiatus this month, and the idea that it's ending in a few days is making me really anxious
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The frustrating thing is I don't know WHY the idea of rp is bothering me.
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I think there's a lot of individual issues that are culminating into a bad taste and I feel like that's going to continue
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This is of course ignoring the anxiety of a bunch of dropped threads from last mont I couldn't bring myself to tag
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Cu has great CR that is building all the time, and they're really meaningful connections. I treasure it.
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But I'm beginning to realize that I'm pretty directionless with him All I've been doing is playing papa wolf for months with no real goals
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It's causing my enthusiasm for him to peatier out.
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I'm just not sure how to get him in engaged in
's setting. I WANT to, but I'm just not seeing how
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No named NPC factions want The Knights or Cu on their side, and no players have hired them. Which I feel would be an easy tie in.
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Revan on the other hand I believe is very compatible with the setting and has a mass of plotting potential, both to participate in and produce plots
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However his CR has been extremely few and far between, the same 3-4 are the only ones that tag him with any real frequency.
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However this is not considering last month, where he received several tag ins, but I was already at the end of my rope and I couldn't sustain
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which leaves me feeling awful, but I deserve it for not being able to push through
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But while I say Revan has mass plotting potential, I should probably clarify that it only seems that way. Because to do anything significant in the world, you have to have clout with the government
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but you lose that clout if you do anything they don't like. And trust me, they don't like a lot of stuff
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Players accomplish more plots by accidentally doing the thing i their basements than by going through the government
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As it stands, the only solutions I can think of, in order of how much I want to:
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Drop a character, replace a character with someone super easy and indulgent to tag with, or just drop altogether
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For the first two, the resounding question is who? Who goes, who stays, and who would potentially be brought in?
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I could keep both that I have now and try to push through this slump, but if I feel this badly about rp, I doubt I can really sustain playability with other people this way
it might not hurt to drop one to focus on the other one for a bit
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That's definitely something I'm considering
especially if you're feeling anxiety about coming off hiatus at all.
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Yeah, it's just hard to tear one option down. As I've said, on one had Cu has good CR and a lot of history but seems to struggle in this setting
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(at least for me)
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While Revan is strongly apart of the games plot and works for it, but someone I can't seem to find purchase with and has very little close CR
And I would miss him dearly but you seriously need to do what you need to do
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Every option is painful =(
I know. It's not easy >:
but i will support you no matter what