Also, if this counts for anything, I'm tired of gender, I'm tired of it. I'm not a boy or a girl, and people still see me as one. I just want to get my breasts removed already, and be genderless for real.
I also want to get my fallopian tubes tied. And just be over this. But I'm too young, and can't afford it. Why am I trapped in a girl's body? Why can't I have been born nothing?
It's annoying. Really annoying. I don't know what to tell you. I don't know who to talk to, I don't know who to get help with this. People are going to make fun of me because I go through dysphoria even though
I'm not trans, but non-binary.
No one irl is going to understand, so the most I can do is mention I don't like female titles, because I don't. =/
It worse when I realize I had this dream the other night where I had testicles.