Caitlin Tobias
I've long resisted it. I always thought it was ridiculous and unnecessary. And this morning I bought one.
Caitlin Tobias
A raincoat, with fleece inside, for Chuck.
Caitlin Tobias
You may laugh now.
Auryn Beorn
Caitlin Tobias
Auryn Beorn
Auryn Beorn
(Although seriously considered, in your weather, it may really be necessary. In my weather, only if you want to slowly cook him in his ow sweat - even though dogs don't sweat.)
Auryn Beorn
*his own sweat
Caitlin Tobias
Well, apparently little Jack Russells only have one single fur - no undercoat and no fat in that to keep him warm, he really cools off fast in the cold rain - as it hits his skin fast (and he still has that
Caitlin Tobias
naked puppy belly too)...The Vet told me the other week its wise to keep him warm with either : very short walks or give him a coat with its raining and/or cold with snow....
Caitlin Tobias
This morning, at training, he got so cold -shaking and shivering and moaning..I felt so bad. So I got him a nice coat. lol
Auryn Beorn
Well done
Auryn Beorn
(Pics. Pics. Pics.)
Caitlin Tobias
hahah, yeah will do a pic soon (he only needs to wear it when it rains/snow/storms)
Auryn Beorn
Does he like wearing it?
How is Chuck taking that?
Caitlin Tobias
Ah, well he is used to the life jacket....which he had to wear on the boat this summer and that is an uncomfy rigid thing..so the coat he accepted quite easily - its soft and light
Auryn Beorn
Caitlin Tobias
L♥la Gh♥st
aww that is super cute. I can't wait for a pic.
welcome to the spoilt pets club, Chuck! I'll make sure my dogs save a warm and comfy spot for you