tea’s gone cold
[TLV] The Doctor makes his re-entrance at the Halloween party.
tea’s gone cold
PWM as well - does anyone have anything they want to do with 4?I'm particularly looking for serious antagonism, he needs some danger in his life, but I'm open to all
it's dependent on him actually getting in, but if I ever finish this app, I'd be willing to offer my next dude for potential lowgrade antagonism
depending on how the Doctor feels about historical figures
tea’s gone cold
what historical figure is he?
Nikola Tesla!
tea’s gone cold
isn't he a vampire?
tea’s gone cold
gosh, I need to watch State of Decay. time lords Do Not Like Vampires IIRC
he is, yeah
but not very much like the Great Vampires, I ... think?
I'd need to rewatch State of Decay, too
tea’s gone cold
new headcanon based on this thread - the First Doctor's ring was his wedding ring
oh! while I'm thinking of it, if Four wants to see Andred's first self, Andred is showing the ghost of his former self to Tiffany
tea’s gone cold
I saw that. I'm not sure how much of an impression it'll make on him since the Doctor hasn't met him yet, but if you think it's useful to Andred I'll have him take a look.
I don't know as it would particularly useful :|a
but if it's a thing you're interested in, it's there
more relevantly! Tiffany also sort of asked Andred to try and see if he could talk the Doctor out of his gloom re: future selves
Andred is pretty sure that would... not be a think he'd be interested in? But if it is I can do a thing
tea’s gone cold
I'm unsure if it's something he's capable of, tbh.
yeah, same, and Andred is just "that is probably out of my depth"
tea’s gone cold
HOWEVER I do have an important deck scene I wanted to do with the Doctor (the punchline to the whole daemon thing) so if Andred would like to find out how that works, he's welcome.
o7 I can definitely have Andred drop by on deck if you want
tea’s gone cold
i'll make a log.