(also I headcanon that as far as TCW goes, he and Asajj end up sending passive aggressive gifts to each other on important dates because they don't fight anymore)
I'm not sure they make a Hallmark card for "sorry for accidentally framing you for several murders, nearly getting you executed, and basically destroying everything you hold dear"
Anakin agrees about that Council of Assholes, thoObi-Wan would argue except he also kinda gress sometimesObi Wan always argues, just for the sake of ithe has to keep them on their toes somehowthat's why we never see him sparring with a saber because he's too busy sparring verballythere is not enough time in the dayfactbetween verbal sparring and Anakin duty and Anakin double shifts it just can't happen okayhideshides againyetor sithsokayetsdkjhdfsajksfda DO ITmaybe after Seventh Sisterwith my commanderHA FOUND IT
also someday that will be the image in Barriss' user info ok
Close seconds
>barriss tries to tuck herself into her robes like a turtle
>it's a success
why is it not up yet