Lord Nick
At some point, I'd really love to play in a real superhero style game.
Lord Nick
Preferably allowing AUs because AUs are basically my heroin at this point, and that would let me AU Ryuko with Senketsu as some kind of wacky cross between the Venom Symbiote and the Blue Beetle
Lord Nick
But I've even got actual superhero characters now
too bad nobody uses Omegafriends for that sort of thing
and it died.
it was nice but yeah it died
Lord Nick
Yeah, and I guess dressing room games went out of style a long time ago and I don't think they're ever coming back
they do workers depends on how it works
you could probably get a superhero PSL going with a few select people without much trouble.
I'm sure I could au someone lol
autocorrect really hates me I meant they work out above
Lord Nick
Add that to the list of things I'd love to run if i could
It'd be a fun little Jamjar thing for sure
Lord Nick
That it would. Hmm
it would but would it be like the xman game or general surprise you're a super!
Well I imagine you could do something akin to X-Men, or AoS, or DC's Invasion.
Some sort of gene-bomb/terrigen mist/mutation caused people to gain super powers.
You could even set it back 10 or 20 years to make it an established part of the world, but one that's politically charged because people don't know what to think.
Then with some characters they could have an alien power, or magic ring, etc. Because it's a superhero world, and that shit happens.
transdimentional travelers
lost super community and their enemies
Lord Nick
Hmm... that could work. I think I'd really want to set it up at sort of the beginning of a "second generation" of supers. Because Omegafriends seemed to be leaning that way with the Incredibles characters
Lord Nick
Like the original... whatever happened so many years ago and there was this whole boom of both superheroes and supervillains that died down over time as they started getting older, retiring or... croaking
Lord Nick
Second Age of Heroes or something
Definitely a way to go. You could have the first generation supers remaining act in a JSA-type roll to some degree, helping the younger ones achieve their potential in a much more hostile world.
Lord Nick
Yeah, exactly. Like the first "Super Boom" was a big surprise but now civilians, criminals and even military are much more ready to deal with it so the landscape's changed significantly
It also lets you keep the whole backstory for the Faunus you had in OF.
considering that there were departments on both sides of the war in WWI WWII that were trying to develop super soldiers
Lord Nick
That it does.
which makes me think of that one book The Rook which basically is about government super community that is there to fight super threats
or Cadmus in JLU
Lord Nick
I was thinking of Cadmus when I cooked all that up. Specifically their whole Ultimen project
Lord Nick
This is at least something worth thinking about
Lord Nick
For the record, dimensional travelers totally works in a superhero setting regardless
I'd love more superhero style things
Lord Nick
Likewise. I'll throw in Batman again
maybe a PSL or something, if nothing else can be made up
Lord Nick
Yeah, I guess that'd work best
Lord Nick
... Aaaaand this got me looking around old OF stuff and I found this thread. omegafriends_ooc | +1 Dark Knight
Lord Nick
It's an OOC thread but it still made me chuckle
Freakin Bat
ah, never got a chance to join OF...
Ahhh, I missed that thread
And I will gladly throw Superhero in here
... Superman.
I may have had a few drinks.
and I could throw in a villain or two, or someone to be saved
Lord Nick
CJ : The superhero known as... Superhero.....
Lord Nick
Drizz : Why not both?
Lord Nick
Sign Wendy up to become a Badass Normal hero
/puts in Peridot as the starter villain
Lord Nick
Ha! I don't even watch the show and I'd dig that
Lord Nick
Freakin Bat : It was neat but sadly short-lived
Lord Nick
I could probably give Bats another run
It'd be fun. I haven't done Superman in a while either.
Lord Nick
Or I've also got the Flash. He's pretty cool.
One of the most consistently fun parts of JL/JLU
Lord Nick
Everything Flash ever did was fantastic
The Flash Mobile
Next time you're feeling the need to express yourself
Lord Nick
Drizz : Oh, hey, alternate. Running with the old idea I had for AUing Faunus, make Rakka a civilian one with bird wings.
heck yeah
Lord Nick
CJ : He might be actually incapable of that
Oh, I know. Quoting John.
Lord Nick
Yep. Still true though.
Lord Nick
Drizz : Poor girl no good at fighting. Wings don't even work because of lousy physics. ... Or they do but she has fragile bird bones.
Most definitely.
sob she tries so hard
Lord Nick
CJ : Look, man, when you're as cool as he is the world deserves to know about it
Lord Nick
Drizz : Worst genetically altered lab-grown supersoldier ever
She could.... scout or something??
Nah, she's kind of useless
Mewtwo on the other hand
Lord Nick
Now that's a good mutant lab freak