cold bambi❄️
Just finished watching A Gentleman's Guide....
cold bambi❄️
I want to see this in person so badly. But oh my god that was hilarious.
cold bambi❄️
There were parts in the recording I couldn't completely catch but overall I loved it.
the quality is so poor it takes a few viewings but hey, multiple watches are fun
cold bambi❄️
Yeah, I'll re-watch it at some point.
cold bambi❄️
It's fantastiiiiicc---yes
cold bambi❄️
Oh man... I noticed they reworked some of the tour venues so it isn't coming even close to me until next year.
cold bambi❄️
But if I can possibly catch it I will.
I'm gonna be seeing it next month just like, 7 rows from the front. I am SO psyched.
cold bambi❄️
cold bambi❄️
And man that song is so appropriate
cold bambi❄️
Houston's closest to me.
cold bambi❄️
And that's a 4 and a half hour drive....
Where are you located?
cold bambi❄️
I have family in Fort Worth
cold bambi❄️
Oh my god, it's like... I have a love and absolute hate relationship with it.
At least you live close to a branch of King Spa.
cold bambi❄️
On the one hand it's great if you want a party scene. And there's a lot of stuff to do. But it's soooo weak on the arts.
Other tours have gotten it.
So here's hoping.
cold bambi❄️
And yeah! King Spa is amazing~ I've been a couple times.
cold bambi❄️
I live in the weird section of Dallas that's smooshed in between Addison, Richardson and Plano.
cold bambi❄️
That's not too far away from me!
cold bambi❄️
And oh god, our weather. This year has been really awful..... not as far as heat goes because we really haven't had too bad of a summer (surprisingly) but we had tornado warning all the way from mid spring
cold bambi❄️
to June.
cold bambi❄️
cold bambi❄️
:-o Grapevine mills is literally about a 15 minute drive.
cold bambi❄️
I'm off of Keller Springs and the toll way.
cold bambi❄️
I think I visited there when it was!!
cold bambi❄️
Like admittedly I haven't been to that mall for like... ten years at least.
cold bambi❄️
I think the last time I visited was just for the movie theater.
cold bambi❄️
But man, small world.
I go to the Chicago King Spa quite frequently. Though less so now that it's 3 hours away, probably.
cold bambi❄️
Aaaaa I've only been to Chicago once but it was a great experience. that's actually where I saw Book of Mormon.
cold bambi❄️
Minnesota and Texas.... lmao that seems so random
oooh, Dallas. I'll be in Denton and Galveston about six months from now
and I'm from Minnesota
cold bambi❄️
I think most of my Internet connections are either in Cali or Canada
I got a friend in Denton that I plan to visit, and my mom and stepdad spend the winter in Gal.
cold bambi❄️
curieosity。 : :-o Really? I lived in Denton for a while... what brings you this way?
cold bambi❄️
only been to dallas/denton once before, to visit same friend and attend animefest 2010
cold bambi❄️
Oh hey, I'm pretty sure I was at that animefest
I cosplayed as Medusa Gorgon that year.
cold bambi❄️
Iiiiii hang on I'm not sure who I cosplayed as
cold bambi❄️
I was Kingdom Hearts 1 Sora I think
cold bambi❄️
Yup, I was.
cold bambi❄️
Thank you!!
cold bambi❄️
I had fun doing cosplay but it just got to be too expensive and time consuming.
cold bambi❄️
I think 2012 was the last time I actually participated.
cold bambi❄️
the saddest thing
cold bambi❄️
cold bambi❄️
but i mean, i guess that's the current trend with broadway musicals
it's probably to keep people attending the musicals in person
cold bambi❄️
Yes, definitely.
cold bambi❄️
considering most of the cheaper seats are between 40-60 a person, they make way more money that way.
fingers are crossed
cold bambi❄️