shou ☽
Adventures in sword hell
shou ☽
I cleared the event
shou ☽
My first try so far got me Souza at the boss node
aglovale ⚔
did you get anything 8'(
shou ☽
second try: dead end node, got a gold shield troop
shou ☽
i'm grateful there are consolation prizes at least
aglovale ⚔
yeah, it's been a bust for me aside from those consolation prizes 8(
aglovale ⚔
while they're repairing, i'm going through the second map to try my luck at uguisumaru
shou ☽
aglovale ⚔
shou ☽
though i'm happy i can get a chance to level up my other swords
shou ☽
i feel bad for neglecting the okitagumis, ichinii and nakigitsune
shou ☽
ookurikara too
Actual Peridot
i got too scared of the third map and never tried the fourth ;A;
instead im just leveling all my baby toushirous that i left at low levels whoops
Actual Peridot
all those enemy yaris intimidate me and my poor children
shou ☽
they aren't too bad! just be prepared to spend a help tokens and go for defensive troops
shou ☽
third try: midare at boss node
shou ☽
shou ☽
shou ☽
shou ☽
fourth try:
shou ☽
Fifth try: Another round, another
shou ☽
Try 2 at map 3: Boss node, Aizen
aglovale ⚔
i'm getting so many tantous too WHY