Cami Mahovlich
So, with all the emphasis put on Flickr views and things now does it matter to creators if bloggers actually write in their blog. When I started almost four years ago that was a huge part of blogging and
Cami Mahovlich
having a good blog, the ability to write and pass on information to readers. Now it just seems like all anyone cares about is how much Photoshop one can do.
Cami Mahovlich
colleenCriss: I do the same, but that isn't what I"m asking lol
Rather than worrying about it, just blog and enjoy it. No sense in anything else.
some bloggers I still read because they write but it is true that stories and preambles do not seem as necessary - I still read Deoridhe and CaitlinTobias and I used to love reading DagmarHaiku
people who enjoy the process of writing will keep writing I think
Cami Mahovlich
colleenCriss: I disagree in the fashion part.
Cami Mahovlich
I'm also not worried, it's something I e been curious about for awhile now with so much pressure being put on Flickr views. Which makes me wonder if that is all creators care about now
Cami Mahovlich
It's also not about blogging differently for different stores
I'm not sure i like to do a variety of blog post types like some are just Outfits where it's a pic + links & a song others i do a PSA type post that gets actual writing
I figure as long as i make sure to cover some basics the rest of what i do on my blog is up to me but I find myself more focused on keeping track of flickr cause of the pressure to have views & favs there
PSA: Public Service Announcment...was a big thing in the 80's after cartoons...gah i'm old
like a mini cartoon about not doing drugs or helping the elderly within the cartoon
Cami Mahovlich
Ralphie : yeah I still write stuff especially if it's about info for an event but defiantly spend more time on Flickr adding people and commenting then I used to
Cami Mahovlich
sakakyoku: yes I write too so it's a bit more personal for those who read it.
Cami Mahovlich
sakakyoku: Yes! Which is the point of this plurk, do they care at all if we write anything now or is it just about pics!
Cami Mahovlich
sakakyoku: that is rude since its your blog and you show more than their product.